With the task of getting out of debt I knew if we were ever going to have a piano it would have to be for free. I have been watching Craig's List since May for a good piano. You would be surprised the number of "free pianos" that get put on Craig's List. Literally, there is almost one every day. Most of the time though they are just bad, old, antique pianos that can't hold a tune. After months of watching I'm sure a screamed when I found a Baldwin listed FOR FREE. My sweet husband got a truck and four college students to help him. The scariest part was when they had to put it sidewise in the elevator to get it to our third floor apartment. It has been wonderful having a piano in our home. Jason has been picking it up and I am often serenaded while preparing dinner. I LOVE IT.

With the start of fall semester came the annual Staff vs Student ULTIMATE game. It is a very serious game and I am happy to say that the staff crushed the students. I'm sure retaliation next fall will be brutal.
Faculty and stuff posing for a picture. They had a blast playing Ultimate against the students.
Rivendell hosted an economics conference and Jason and I had the privilege of meeting and hosting Dr. Jay Richards and Dr. Craig Mitchell. We were inspired by both of them and look forward to seeing them again in the future.
Life is full, crazy and beautiful!