Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Basil Plants

I managed to make a dream come true for Lizzy recently. She found this idea on Pinterest concerning making Tiki torches out of wine bottles. Cool idea. We were randomly at the grocery store the other day, and I noticed a hardware store. My mind was in one of those moods which only comes about when you have a day off. The idea popped into mind, and I decided to get the parts. It had all of them. At one point, I walked up to a clerk and said, “Teflon tape.” The man snapped in action, turned around, pointed to isle eleven, and responded, “On the right.” I marveled out loud at how two words could do that to a man. A store full of a million particles and two words made him find the exact piece for me. I was in a daze for five minutes. Amazing. Oh! And, the project turned out wonderfully. 

You would think that’s the end of the story; it’s not. Lizzy is cooking tasty dishes. She’s even looking for students to teach violin. Our bills are being met. Contentment sets in. Bachelorhood is long gone. Homesickness is subsiding. It’s a stormy day today, perfect for getting stuff done and keeping up with aircraft carriers being ordered into the Gulf. I finished grades up for the students. The basil plant my wife bought two weeks ago is still alive! It has even taken on the status of a house pet, as my empathetic wife brought it inside to save it from the storm. Now, all I have to do is convince her we need a ferret. 

1 comment:

  1. Ferret. Bad idea. They poop all over the house. They spend a lot of time backing up. You want a forward moving pet.
    I sat a friend's ferret. Having owned a dog, a cat, and an Amazon Parrot, I must say the most wicked of all was the ferret.
