Saturday, January 10, 2015

How would you solve the biggest problem in the world?

Recently I have been searching out different college options. My husband is searching out PHD programs and I'm starting to feel really lame for not even having my GED. It's been a little scary. I have not done math or biology in so long it's embarrassing. The biggest thing has been taking time to research and fill out applications for various online, local and accelerated degree programs. 

On one of the recent applications they asked the question, "What's the biggest problem in the world and how would you solve it?" I sat for almost an hour pondering that question. Below is the two paragraph response I sent back. I'm not sure if it helped my application process or was the answer they were looking for but it was an interesting question to ponder. 

     "Terrorism, ISIS, abortion, sex-trafficking, disease, famine and poverty could all be listed as the 'world's biggest problem'. I could also look at the lighter side of the world's issues and list healthcare and climate change. I could even go a step further and say that the biggest problem 'in the world' is technology. Technology separates us from real human interaction and gives us more information then we can process. But all of these problems come down to one key element, broken human beings.

     I can’t solve the 'world’s biggest problem'. There are days when I wish I was God and could call for Christ to return to earth and end all the misery. But I’m not God. What the world needs, what I need, is Jesus. I can’t touch lives, bring healing or change the direction of a soul, without Jesus. What I am going to do to help 'solve the biggest problem in the world'? I am going to seek Jesus, act justly, fight evil, love passionately, work with integrity and preach the gospel every chance I get."

Prayers appreciated as a continue to seek out higher education options!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year: Top 10 Things I learned In 2014

Sorry that more posts on Italy have not been forthcoming. Once arriving back in America Jason and I have been busy with his students graduating, our first Christmas together and finally the New Year. Both of us have it as a goal for this year to blog more. Let's hope that happens!

I spent some time yesterday thinking over all that Jason and I have been through this last year. Between us we have had five deaths. Two grandfathers, a brother, a cousin and a great uncle. We have had our own wedding, traveled extensively, moved, started new jobs, celebrating the wedding of a sibling, I had back surgery, attending multiple funerals and we have been so grateful to be together through it all. It's been a crazy year and I took some time yesterday to write down the top ten things I have learned this year. 

1) Live life conscience of your health, because surgery sucks. 

2) Husbands make dreams come true. 

3) Doing things debt free is bliss.

4) Grandmothers are a girl's best friend.

5) Math is the language of God. 

6) Distance will not separate you from true friends. 

7) The moment at a funeral when tears turn to laughter is the most healing. 

8) Travel bonds souls. 

9) Italians really do eat pasta EVERY DAY. 

10) "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off". 

We have visited so many places this year, it's amazing. Here's the list last time we checked: Portland OR, Seattle WA, Victoria BC, Vancouver BC, Boise ID, Colorado Springs CO, Yellow Stone National Park, Mount Rushmore, Washington DC, Annapolis MD, Boston MA, Concord NA, Cheboygan MI, Lake Michigan, Dayton TN, Charlotte NC, Rome Italy, Florence Italy, Assisi Italy, Venice Italy, Pisa Italy. 

Here's to even more adventures in 2015. We are blessed and so thankful for all that God has done in us this year!